

Logistic Regression and its implementation in python:


What is the difference between Regression and classification?

Classification and regression are the two types of supervised algorithms. 

Classification: Based on different parameters Classification algorithm classifies or identifies the object to which category they belong to.

Regression: Based on the correlation between independent and dependent variables, it predicts the continuous output.

Regression in Machine learning

Classification in Machine Learning

Logistic Regression:

If there are two classes, it classifies the target variable into either of two classes. Mostly it is classified into binary 1 or binary 0. It is used in spam detection, cancer detection, probability of getting insurance etc.

Types of Logistic Regression:

Based on the number of classes it classifies, it is divided into 


Here there are only two classes and the logistic regression classifies into binary 1 or binary 0. For example, yes or no, fail or pass, true or false etc


If there are more than two classes like ‘Group A’, ’Group B’ and ‘Group C’ to be classified and the order doesn’t matter, then it comes under multinomial classification. 


If there are more than two classes to be classified and the order matters, then it comes under ordinal classification. For example, poor, good, excellent etc.

Binary Logistic Regression:

Binary Logistic Regression

The sigmoid curve is given by

e= Euler’s number=2.71828

The sigmoid function Z converts the input into range 0 and 1. So, when the output is greater than 0.5 it is ‘yes’ and when it is less than 0.5 it is ‘no’.

Implementation of Logistic regression in Python:

Importing libraries:

Loading dataset and viewing first five rows:

Overall information about the dataset:

Number of rows and columns:

 Describing the dataset:

Number of null values:


Setting dependent and independent variables:
Splitting the dataset into train and test:
Feature scaling:
Fitting the model:

Analyzing the performance of the model:

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