

Handling missing values using machine learning (Linear Regression):

Handling missing values using machine learning:

Filling missing values using Linear Regression:

Step 1: Test data will be missing values
Step 2: Drop the null values and consider it as train data
Checking null values in train data:
Step 3:  Create x_train and y_train from the dataset
y_train is the rows of age with non null values
x_train is the dataset except age column with non null values
Step 4 : Building the model 
Step 5 :Creating X_test from Test_data 
Step 6: Applying the model and predicting the missing values

Importing Libraries:

Loading dataset:

Printing first 10 rows of dataset:

Number of rows and columns in the dataset:

Overall information about the dataset:

Name of the columns:

Statistically describing the dataset:

Number of null values:

Visualizing null values using heat map:

Step 1: Separating the null values and consider as test data

Step 2: Dropping the null values and considering as train data set

Checking null values:

Step 3: Creating X_train and Y_train from the dataset

X_train is the dataset except the 'Age' column:

Step 4 : Building the model

Training the model:

Step 5: Creating X_test from Test_data

Step 6: Applying the model and predicting the missing values

Replacing the missing values by predicted values:


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