

Categorical Encoding techniques in machine learning using python:

 Categorical Encoding techniques in machine learning using python:

Why is encoding needed in machine learning?

Datasets consists of both numerical and categorical features. Categorical features consist of strings. Machine learning algorithms cannot deal with strings. So, these strings have to be converted into numbers by suitable encoding techniques.

Types of categorical features:

There are two types of categorical features they are ordinal and nominal.

i) Nominal

Nominal categorical features are the features where the order doesn’t matter. For example gender can be male,female or other and the order is not important

ii) Ordinal

Ordinal categorical features are the features where the order matters. For example, the grades of the students. Here the order is important.

Types of encoding techniques:

1) Label encoding (Nominal encoding)

2) One Hot encoding

3) Dummy encoding

4) Frequency encoding

5) Binary encoding

6) Target encoding

Importing libraries:


Reading the data:

Printing first five rows:


Overall information about the data:


Statistically describing the dataset:

Data types of each column:


Name of the columns:


1) Label encoding (Nominal encoding):

In Label encoding the order matters, so the grades column will be encoded as 0,1,2,3,4. ‘4’ is the highest grade and ‘0’ is the lowest grade.

Importing Label encoder:


Encoding the Grades column:

Grades column after encoding:


2) One hot encoder with dummies:

This encoding method is used for nominal features or where the order doesn’t matter. Here new variables or columns are created for every feature in the column. It is filled with 0’s and 1’s. ‘0’ represents the absence and ‘1’ represents the presence of the variable. One column will be dropped in the dummy encoding, in the last after encoding. 


Joining the dummies with the dataset:


Dropping city column and one of the dummy columns:


3) One hot encoder using Scikit-learn:

Importing One hot encoder from sklearn:


Encoding the gender column:

Printing first five encoded columns:

Joining encoded gender column with dataset:


4) Binary encoder using Scikit-learn:

In this method the categorical features are encoded in binary order 000,001,010,011 etc.

Printing first five rows:


Importing category encoders:

If you have not installed category encoders, type ‘pip install category_encoders’ in your command prompt.


Column ‘city’ is binary encoded:


Fit and transform of the data:

Column ‘city’ is binary encoded and the encoded data set is printed.

5) Frequency encoding:

Frequency encoding technique is used where there are too many variables in the categorical features. If we use one hot encoding the number of columns will be more, and it may cause the curse of dimension. 

In frequency encoding the frequency is calculated by the number of occurrences of the particular variable.

Printing the dataset:


Grouping the data by number of occurrences:


Length of the data and Frequency distribution of city column:


Creating new column by mapping the frequency and the city column:


New dataset with new column:


6) Target encoding:

In target encoding the categorical feature is replaced by the average of the target variable. Here for example Banglore city is replaced by the average of the rank corresponding to Banglore city. One disadvantage of using target encoding is overfitting. It is also called as leakage of target variable.

Printing first ten rows:

Import, fit and transform:


New dataset with new city column:


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