Matplotlib library in Python for data science:
Matplotlib library is used for 2D data visualization. Matplotlib depends on NumPy for scientific calculation, and it also depends on Pandas for data manipulation and analysis. Large data sets can be visualized by using various types of graphs, histograms, bar chart, pie chart etc. Pyplot is the submodule of Matplotlib which is used extensively for visualization.
Installation and Getting started:
Matplotlib can be installed by typing the command pip install matplotlib in the command prompt. For getting started type the following code
Import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Various types of plots in Matplotlib:
1) Line plot:
Line plot in Matplotlib in Python
2) Bar plot
Bar Plot in Matplotlib in Python
3) Histogram
Histogram in Matplotlib in Python
4) Scatter plot
Scatterplot in Matplotlib in Python
5) Pie chart:
Pie chart in Matplotlib in Python