

Data visualizations in Python for data science:

 Data visualizations in Python for data science:

1)Line plot:
Importing the libraries and loading the datset:
Importing libraries and loading the dataset

Printing first five rows:

Printing first five rows

Line plot between timeplot and signal:

Lineplot in seaborn

Line plot with hue parameter:

Hue parameter takes column name for colour encoding.
Line plot with hue parameter


Line plot with hue parameter, style and markers:

Lineplot with hue, style and markers

2) Barplot:
Loading the diabetes dataset and printing the first five columns:

Loading the dataset

Plotting barplot between the columns outcome and insulin:

Barplot in seaborn

Plotting barplot and adding palette as bright:

Barplot with palette

3) Scatter plot:
Loading iris dataset:

Loading the dataset

Scatter plot between columns sepal_width and petal_width with hue as species:

Scatterplot in seaborn

4) Histplot/distplot:
Loading "taxis" dataset:

Loading dataset

Printing histogram and frequency curve on column fare:

Histogram and frequency curve

Printing only frequency curve on column fare by making hist false:

Printing only frequency curve

Printing histogram frequency curve on column fare and adding color:

Histogram and frequency curve by adding color

Printing only histogram on column fare and adding color:

Only histogram with colors

Printing only histogram on column fare and adding color and bin size:

Histogram with bins

Printing vertical histogram on column fare and adding color and number of bins :

Vertical histogram

5) Boxplot:
Loading "tips" dataset and printing first five columns:

Loading tips dataset

Printing boxplot on columns sex and total_bill:

Boxplot in seaborn

Printing boxplot and adding hue and palette:
Boxplot with hue and palette

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