

Python Strings and Inbuilt functions:


Python Strings and Inbuilt functions:

Most commonly used Inbuilt String Functions and descriptions:

split( ) = Splits the string based on delimiter

join( )  = Concatenates the strings

strip( )  = Removes the white spaces in the strings

upper ( )  = Converts the strings into upper case

lower ( )  = Converts the strings into lower case

swapcase ( )  = Swaps the lower case into upper case and vice versa

title ( )  = Returns the title version of the string

replace ( )  = Replaces the strings by another new string

find ( )  = Finds the index of the substring in the string

count ( )  = Counts the number of occurrences of a substring in a string

capitalize ( )  = Capitalizes the first character in the string

zfill ( )  = Fills the string with zeros with the specified width

len ( )  = Finds length of the string

isalnum ( )  = Checks the string and returns true if all are alphanumeric

isalpha ( )  = Checks the string and returns true if all are alphabets

isdecimal( ) = Checks the string and returns true if all are decimal

isdigit ( )  = Checks the string and returns true if all are digits

isupper ( )  = Checks the string and returns true if all are upper case


Python strings and inbuilt functions

Python strings and inbuilt functions



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