Solving POS expressions using K map:
Example 1(Two variables):
f(A,B) =πM(1,2,3)
Solving POS expression using K map |
In group 1, the cells 1 and 3 are grouped and the common term is B. In group 2, cells 2 and 3 are grouped and the common term is A.
So the minimized POS expression is
f(A,B) =B.A
Example 2(Three variables):
f(A,B,C) =πM(1,2,3,6,7)
In group 1, the cells 2, 3, 6 and 7 are grouped and the common term is B'. In group 2, the cells 1 and 3 are grouped and the common term is A+C'.
Example 3(Four variables):
Minimize the following expression using K map.
In group 1, the cells 2 and 3 are grouped and the common terms is (A+B+C'). In group 2 cells 1 and 9 are grouped and the common term is (B+C+D'). In the group 3 cells 4 and 12 are grouped and the common term is (B'+C+D).
So the minimized expression is
f(A,B,C,D)= (A+B+C').(B+C+D').(B'+C+D)